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ILI9341V Data Sheet(V 100)_20130425.pdf

1.      Introduction

ILI9341V is a 262,144-color single-chip SOC driver for a-TFT liquid crystal display with resolution of 240RGBx320 dots, comprising a 720-channel source driver, a 320-channel gate driver, 172,800 bytes GRAM for graphic display data of 240RGBx320 dots, and power supply circuit.

ILI9341V supports parallel 8-/9-/16-/18-bit data bus MCU interface, 6-/16-/18-bit data bus RGB interface and 3-/4-line serial peripheral interface (SPI). The moving picture area can be specified in internal GRAM by window address function. The specified window area can be updated selectively, so that moving picture can be displayed simultaneously independent of still picture area.


ILI9341V can operate with 1.65V ~ 3.3V I/O interface voltage and an incorporated voltage follower circuit to generate voltage levels for driving an LCD. ILI9341V supports full color, 8-color display mode and sleep mode for precise power control by software and these features make the ILI9341V an ideal LCD driver for medium or small size portable products such as digital cellular phones, smart phone, MP3 and PMP where long battery life is a major concern.



2.      Features

Ÿ Display resolution: [240xRGB](H) x 320(V)

Ÿ Output:

720 source outputs

320 gate outputs

Common electrode output (VCOM)

Ÿ a-TFT LCD driver with on-chip full display RAM: 172,800 bytes

Ÿ System Interface

8-bits, 9-bits, 16-bits, 18-bits interface with 8080-/8080-series MCU

6-bits, 16-bits, 18-bits RGB interface with graphic controller

3-line / 4-line serial interface

Ÿ Display mode:

Full color mode (Idle mode OFF): 262K-color (selectable color depth mode by software)

Reduce color mode (Idle mode ON): 8-color

Ÿ Power saving mode:

Sleep mode

Ÿ On chip functions:

VCOM generator and adjustment

Timing generator


DC/DC converter

Line/frame inversion

1 preset Gamma curve with separate RGB Gamma correction

Ÿ Content Adaptive Brightness Control

Ÿ MTP (3 times):

8-bits for ID1, ID2, ID3

7-bits for VCOM adjustment

The information contained herein is the exclusive property of ILI Technology Corp. and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of ILI Technology Corp.


Ÿ Low -power consumption architecture

Low operating power supplies:

VDDI = 1.65V ~ 3.3V (logic)

VCI = 2.5V ~ 3.3V (analog)

Ÿ LCD Voltage drive:

Source/VCOM power supply voltage

AVDD - GND = 4.5V ~ 5.5V

VCL - GND = -1.5V ~ -2.5V

Gate driver output voltage

VGH - GND = 12.0V ~ 21.0V

VGL - GND = -7.0V ~ -12.5V


VCOM driver output voltage

VCOMH = 3.0V ~ (AVDD – 0.2)V

VCOML = (VCL+0.2)V ~ 0V


Ÿ Operate temperature range: -40to 85

Ÿ a-Si TFT LCD storage capacitor : Cst on Common structure only

The information contained herein is the exclusive property of ILI Technology Corp. and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of ILI Technology Corp.

3.      Block Diagram

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